Origin: Hebrew
meaning: “joined together”
Best Nicknames:
Becca, Becki, Beckie, Becky, Reba, Rebba, Rebbi, Rebbie
Variations and Sound Alikes:
Rebbecka, Rebbecca, Rebeca, Rebeka,
Rebekah, Rebeha, Rebecka, Rebecha
Rebecca TV and Movie Quotes
“You know Rebecca, it doesn’t sound to me like you’re
in the hospital.” Scream 4 (2011)
“It may interest you to know, Rebecca, that we have no home.”
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (1938)
Famous people named Rebecca or its variations
1. Rebecca Zadig (b. 1982), Swedish singer
2. Rebecca St. James (b. 1977), Christian pop rock singer,
musician; born Rebecca Jean Smallbone
3. Rebecca De Mornay (b. 1959), American actress
born Rebecca Jane Pearch
Rebecca Middle Names
Rebecca Beth
Rebecca Faith
Rebecca Lynne
Rebecca Marie
Rebecca Simone
I’ve been called all the common ones.
Becca,Beck,Becca,Bex,Becky and then there was Becky Boo when I was little (jokes my mom still calls me that) and for a while I was “Ga Ga” when my littlest sister was a baby because she couldn’t say any other way ?
I definitely said Becca twice there ?
My name is Rebekah and and I go by Bel or Belle.
my name is mahdieh as you see.It’s arabic.I like it but my friends have foreign nicknames for themselves and they call each other by those names.I was thinking that becca is a good one and I really like it.
My name is Rebekah, but my friends call me Bek, Bex, Rebs, or Beka.
I have been called many things – Becca, Reb, Rebel, Becky and Bex – but my main family nickname (which I love) is Be (pronounced bee). I love it and anything bee related!
Well… My nicknames usually are Reb, Rebi, Rebu, Rebus,Rebuli, Beck, Bekuca, Rebekuca, Rubá, Rubáká.
My family calls me Bebba or Bebba Sue. My friends call me Becca, Rebecca, or Beck. ( I am glad I am not the only one who hates being called Becky. )
Hi I am moving to a new school and i really want a cool nickname
Rea,rere, Becca,bex,riva,becks.
Some friends call me Becca/ Becks/ Becky. Or plain old Rebecca.
My name is spelled Rebecca, and my family calls me Becca (sometimes spelled Beka by some friends). My parents decided that I was NOT a Becky before I was even born. In 7th grade I started going by Beck and it’s my favorite nickname.
I am Rebecca. My family calls me Rebecca, Becca…etc. My sister sometimes calls me Becky but i don’t really like being called Becky. I was wondering if you could give me some advice on some new nicknames for Rebecca.
Hi Rebecca hear are some my friends call me Bay, Breeze,Bec,Bea,Rose, Brooke, Cloud,Coco, Clover,Ria, Raven,Rio, River,Ruby,Bird,Rae,Raya.
Hope these helped. From Rebecca.
My friends name is Rebecca and her family likes to call her Rue or Ruea
rebekfast -Comes from the meme Beckfast
Josh’s got the right idea ?
I have a friend named Rebecca and she prefers Bex, BB,or Bexca
I’m a Rebekah and my nicknames are Reberkah, Beki, Berki, Bek and, Beky.
My family call me becky and friends call me Rebekah or becka
my nick names are bexxys kecky and ruber kecky
My nickname is Rizz or Rizzo, like the character from Grease.
My nicknames are Bek Becky Beks
My name is Rebecca. I get it shortened to Rivy usually. Sometimes Riv’. Or Remi. Their all cute nicknames. Pretty unique too.
For Rebecca, add nicks: Bex & Becks