
Origin: Irish Gaelic

Meaning: “poet, storyteller”

Variations, Nicknames and Sound Alikes:
Taḋg, Tadgh, Taidgh, Taig, Taj, Taidgh, Teague, Tighe

Tadhg Book Quotes:
“Tadhg opened the door and it was Peadar.” The People
of the Sea: Celtic Tales of the Seal-Folk
“Tadhg had moved his men into an attacking position.”
The Battle for Eire (2005)

Famous people named Tadhg or its variations
Tadhg KellyTadhg PurcellTadhg Kennelly

1. Tadhg Kelly (b. 1988), American actor
2. Tadhg Purcell (b. 1985), Irish footballer
3. Tadhg Kennelly (b. 1981), Irish football champ

Tadhg Middle Names
Tadhg Brendan
Tadhg Colm
Tadhg Niall
Tadhg Padraic
Tadhg Seamus

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