
Origin: Greek

Meaning: “beloved”
feminine form of Philip

Best Nicknames:
Phil, Phillie, Philly, Pippa, Pippi, Pippy

Variations and Sound Alikes:
Felipa, Filipa, Filipina, Filippa, Pelipa, Pelippa, Philana,
Philette, Philina, Philipa, Phillipa, Phillipina, Phillippa

Philippa TV and Movie Quotes:
“They had been christened Martina and Philippa after Martin
Luther and his friend Philipp Melanchton.” Babette’s Feast (1987)
“Sister Philippa for the garden… Sister Blanche.”
Black Narcissus (1947)

Famous people named Philippa or its variations

1. Pippa Middleton (b. 1983), English socialite
born Philippa Charlotte Middleton
2. Philippa Gregory (b. 1954), British writer
3. Philippa Duke Schuyler (1931-1967), American
child prodigy, pianist

Philippa Middle Names
Philippa Beatrice
Philippa Georgina
Philippa Joan
Philippa Laverne
Philippa Sibyl

Leave a comment below.

  1. Philipa Caldwell says:

    My nick name (from birth) is Flip. I like both names. I was named for my grandfather.



  3. Phillipa says:


  4. Philippa says:

    I orefer to be called pip cause I get angry when called pippa

  5. Philippa says:

    Pips, Pipsy, and Pip

  6. Philippa says:


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