
Origin: English

Meaning: “ash meadow”

Best Nicknames
Ash, Lee, Lee-Lee

Variations and Sound Alikes:
Ashlei, Ashleigh, Ashleah, Ashlee, Ashli, Ashlie

Ashley TV and Movie Quotes:
“Oh, hey, Ashley, I wondered when you’d tune into my love vibe.”
Degrassi: The Next Generation (2001 TV Series)
“Come on, Ashley, let’s write our letters to Santa.”
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (1990 TV Series)

Famous people named Ashley or its variations

1. Ashley Judd (b. 1968), American actress
2. Ashley Fuller Olsen (b. 1986), American actress
3. Ashley Michelle Tisdale (b. 1985), American singer

Ashley Middle names
Ashley Diahann
Ashley Kay
Ashley June
Ashley Rosanna
Ashley Teresa

Leave a comment below.

  1. Ashlee says:

    ashebear, ashie,mash potato

  2. Ashley says:

    My best friend calls me AshleyBashley

  3. Ashley Jarrell says:

    Ashy, Ash and my favorite: Ash Ketchum (or Ketchup. Whichever you may desire lol.)

  4. Ashley Nicole says:

    I need a nickname because i’m my 15 years of living, I’ve never had one

  5. Sarah Jane says:

    My full name is Ashly Taylor Cutshaw.
    Ashaylor or Ashaylie (friend came up with this one)

  6. Ashley says:


  7. Bella says:


  8. Ashley says:


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