
Origin: Slavic

Meaning: “dawn”

Best Nicknames:
Zori, Zorie, Zory

Variations and Sound Alikes:
Zorah, Zorana, Zoraya, Zorra, Zorya

Zora TV and Movie Quotes:
“Zora, Zora, Zora! Why is everyone always thinking
about Zora?” The Frog Prince (1986)
“I am holding something in my hand, Countess Zora.”
A Friendship in Vienna (1988)

Famous people named Zora or its variations

1. Zora Bernice May Cross (1890-1964), Australian author, poet
2. Zora Neale Hurston (1891-1960), American author, anthropologist
3. Zora Dirnbach (b. 1929), Croatian journalist

Zora Middle Names:
Zora Darina
Zora Katarina
Zora Laverne
Zora Patience

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