Origin: Greek
Meaning: “of Zeus”
Best Nicknames
Naida, Nayda, NeNe, Zena, Zenai, Zenay
Variations and Sound Alikes:
Zenayda, Zinaida, Zinaide
Phrases you might say or hear someday:
Don’t push it, Zenaida
I can’t believe Zenaida’s 16.
Zenaida is an excellent student.
Famous people named Zenaida or its variations
1. Zenaida Yanowsky, (b. 1975) French born ballerina
2. Zenaida Victoria Moya Flowers, first female mayor of Belize
3. Zinaida Nikolaevna Gippius (1869-1945) Russian poet
Zenaida Middle Names:
Zenaida Jaliyah
Zenaida Kenly
Zenaida Celeste
Zenaida Taylor