Origin: Old English
Meaning: “white island”
Best Nicknames
Whit, Whittie, Whitzie
Variations and Sound Alikes:
Whitnea, Whitneigh, Whitnee, Whitni, Whitnie,
Whitny, Whittany, Whittney, Whittnie
Whitney TV and Movie Quotes:
“My first challenge is helping Whitney”
Smallville: Kinetic (2002)
“And Whitney! Why can’t she be like every other teenager?”
Last Action Hero (1993)
Famous people named Whitney or its variations
1. Whitney Adela Sloan (b. 1988), British-born actress
2. Whitney Elizabeth Houston (1963-2012), American
singer, actress
3. Whitney Kershaw (b. 1962), American singer, actress
Whitney Middle Names
Whitney Charlize
Whitney Evelena
Whitney Faith
Whitney Stefania
Whitney Victoria
My fam calls me whit, whit whit, whit-bit, or bit-bit (my nephew was born with a clef lip so w’s just didn’t work for him when he started talking and that’s where the b came into play, but I absolutely love it and he still calls me that to this day) some friends have called me quick wits or quit(kwhit) and I also get called Wendy and or Britney when I first meet some people lol
My parents called me Whitster; then there was also Whit and Whitty.
I forgot Whiney… my name was misspelled in an obituary once and it kind of stuck..
some nicknames I have are whit, whit whit, whittles, willimina,
wendy, and britney
Whit whit and Walter but we don’t need to get into details about the last one ? ( I’m not a guy or gay my mom is just weird)
Bob Baucus BLT(my initials)
People call me Whit, Brit, Wendy, Whitter, Whinnie, Whitterburger, and Witty! =^.^=
I’m proud to be called Whitney
My name is Whitney too! Name twins! =^.^=
Whitters;Witty;Whitner(this is weird but people have called me it);Wittness
Lol i didn’t see yours