
Origin: Old English

Meaning: “white island”

Best Nicknames
Whit, Whittie, Whitzie

Variations and Sound Alikes:
Whitnea, Whitneigh, Whitnee, Whitni, Whitnie,
Whitny, Whittany, Whittney, Whittnie

Whitney TV and Movie Quotes:
“My first challenge is helping Whitney”
Smallville: Kinetic (2002)
“And Whitney! Why can’t she be like every other teenager?”
Last Action Hero (1993)

Famous people named Whitney or its variations

1. Whitney Adela Sloan (b. 1988), British-born actress
2. Whitney Elizabeth Houston (1963-2012), American
singer, actress
3. Whitney Kershaw (b. 1962), American singer, actress

Whitney Middle Names
Whitney Charlize
Whitney Evelena
Whitney Faith
Whitney Stefania
Whitney Victoria

Leave a comment below.

  1. Whitney says:

    My fam calls me whit, whit whit, whit-bit, or bit-bit (my nephew was born with a clef lip so w’s just didn’t work for him when he started talking and that’s where the b came into play, but I absolutely love it and he still calls me that to this day) some friends have called me quick wits or quit(kwhit) and I also get called Wendy and or Britney when I first meet some people lol

  2. Whitney says:

    My parents called me Whitster; then there was also Whit and Whitty.

  3. Whitney says:

    I forgot Whiney… my name was misspelled in an obituary once and it kind of stuck..

  4. whitney says:

    some nicknames I have are whit, whit whit, whittles, willimina,
    wendy, and britney

  5. Whitney says:

    Whit whit and Walter but we don’t need to get into details about the last one ? ( I’m not a guy or gay my mom is just weird)

  6. Bridget says:

    Bob Baucus BLT(my initials)

  7. Whitney says:

    People call me Whit, Brit, Wendy, Whitter, Whinnie, Whitterburger, and Witty! =^.^=

  8. Whitney says:

    I’m proud to be called Whitney

  9. Whitney(that is my actual name) says:

    Whitters;Witty;Whitner(this is weird but people have called me it);Wittness

  10. Whitney says:


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