
Origin: Russian, Greek

Meaning: “man’s defender”
diminutive of Alexandra; also Natasha

Variations, Nicknames and Sound Alikes:
Sacha, Sascha, Saschenka

Sasha TV and Movie Quotes:
“Sasha, you’re a genius!”
Home and Away (1988 TV Series)
“Sasha, honey, what’s your favorite meal?”
The Walking Dead: Forget (2015)

Famous people named Sasha or its variations

1. Sasha Strunin (b. 1989), Polish singer
born Aleksandra Strunin
2. Sasha Alexander (b. 1939), English actress
born Suzana S. Drobnjaković
3. Sasha Embeth Pieterse (b. 1996), American actress

Sasha Middle Names
Sasha Adele
Sasha Charlize
Sasha Jordanna
Sasha Tifannie

Leave a comment below.

  1. Sasha says:

    My family and friends call me sash, but my friends also often call me sushi ?

  2. Sasha says:

    My family calls me Sash friends call me Sancho or shasha

  3. Sasha (Sah-Sha) says:

    Same! My friends call me Shashy or Sushi and my family and my old class called me Sash.

  4. Sasha (Sah-Sha) says:

    My family and most of my friends call me Sash.. some call me sas or sushi lmao

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