Origin: Greek
Meaning: “great; mother”
Variations, Nicknames and Sound Alikes:
Maia, Maya, Mea, Meya, Mia, Miya, Moya, Myah
Mya Book Quotes:
“Mya’s voice dropped an octave.” A Pinch of Cool (2012)
“Mya let out a sigh of relief.” Song of Wolves (2015)
Famous people named Mya or its variations
1. Mýa Marie Harrison (b. 1979), American singer, actress
2. Mya Thwin a.k.a. Mother Sayamagyi (b. 1925),
Theravada Buddhist
3. Miya Tachibana (b. 1974), Japanese synchronized
swimming pro
Mya Middle Names
Mya Alana
Mya Colette
Mya Guadalupe
Mya Joakima
Mya Philomena
My family calls me moo moo or iameia and my friends call mw there mya but I can’t use those as a snap name or insta. also like I wanna friend with the name mya cause that would be cool…
I don’t have any
I have a lot but would love a new one, I get called: Mink Mink, Mayo, My Oh My, My Love, Minkachu, MyMy, I think that’s it tho.
MyMy & YaYa are what my friends and family call me
i dont have a nickname