Origin: Old English
Meaning: “fifth month”
Best Nicknames
Mae-Mae, Maesie, Mame, Mamie
Variations and Sound Alikes:
Mai, Maj, May, Maye
Mae TV and Movie Quotes:
“I’m proud of you, Oda Mae!” Ghost (1990)
“Sometimes you have an instinct, Mae.”
Cinderella Man (2005)
“Leave the place to Goober and Mae.”
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958)
Famous people named Mae or its variations
1. Mae Margaret Whitman (b. 1988), American actress
2. Mae Carol Jemison (b. 1956), American physician,
NASA astronaut
3. Mae West (1893-1980), American actress, sex symbol
born Mary Jane West
Mae Middle Names
Mae Andrea
Mae Christina
Mae Florencia
Mae Shyanne
Mae Valentina