
Origin: Spanish

Meaning: “God’s promise”
variant of Elizabeth

Best Nicknames:
Bel, Belita, Bell, Bella, Belle, Bellita, Isa,
Isabelita, Issie, Issy, Izzie, Izzy, Sabella, Sabelle

Variations and Sound Alikes:
Isabeau, Isabel, Isabela, Isabele, Isabell, Isabella,
Isabelle, Isbel, Ishbel, Isobel, Isobell, Isobella,
Isobelle, Izabel, Izabella, Izabelle

Isabella TV and Movie Quotes:
“Isabella Swan, I promise to love you every
moment of forever.” Twilight: Eclipse (2010)
“There’s nothing to be gained by just looking
pretty like Isabella.” Wuthering Heights 1939
“Yeah, he raised hell-a with Isabella.”
Myra Breckinridge (1970)

Famous people named Isabella or its variations

1. Isabella Fiorella Elettra Giovanna Rossellini (b.1952),
Italian actress, model
2. Isabella Leong Lok-Sze (b. 1988), Hong Kong-based actress
3. Isabella Müller-Reinhart (b. 1974), German TV presenter

Isabella Middle Names
Isabella Annette
Isabella Cathleen
Isabella Esme
Isabella Gabrielle
Isabella Scarlett

Leave a comment below.

  1. Isabella says:

    I like Al Allie Lisa Alex Elisa Ellen Helen and Ellie

  2. isabella says:

    i have always just usually gone by my full name, isabella. I like Bella and i’m really NOT a big fan of Issy, but that seems to be what everyone calls me. I am looking for something less conventional.

    My friends just call me isabella. i wish i had other names however.

    some of my friends call me Is, which i do actually quite like ngl.

    but idk anything non conventional would be nice. I like Bea, but i think it’s a bit drastic a change.

  3. Wolfy says:

    Lol Alissa N

  4. Alissa N Johnson says:

    My name is alice and they sometimes call me lice or ally.

  5. Isabellybutton says:

    My friend calls me so many names and they are so weird Izzy, Isabellybutton, Isabelly, Belly, Button, Button, Wizzy, Wiggy, Iggy, Itchy Izzy, Fizzy, Dizzy Izzy. There I warned you my best friend is weird.

  6. Isabella says:

    My friends call me

    Issy bell
    Bella boo
    Si (se)
    Bella wella

    • Wolfy says:

      Lol I get so many nicknames from my friends like bella, dizzy,wizzy,nizzy,izzy but I pick izzy it goes with my name isabella

  7. Isabella says:

    My friends all call me Izzy sometimes my family they call me Bella bobs ?

  8. Isabella says:

    I usually just get called Isabella but I’m sometimes called Bella :)

  9. Isabella D. says:

    my friend and family call me:
    3.Izzy D.
    6.lil baby
    (lol these name!)

  10. Isabella says:


  11. isabella says:

    hi! i often go by jason, this is such a good nickname for me!!!!!! please let me know if urs is the same haha

  12. Isabella says:

    My Most used nicknames by my friends and family are Bella, bels or is.

  13. Janeen says:

    My granddaughter, Isabella, is also called Izzy, Iz and Isabel

  14. Isabella says:

    My friends and family always call me:
    Isa (E-sah),
    Isi (easy),
    Bell Bell,
    Bellie Bell,
    Bellele (Beh-leh-leh),
    Isele (E-seh-leh),
    Bella Isa or
    Isibisi (easy-b-sea).

  15. Isabella says:

    I am always called Bell, Tink, Tinkerbell, Haybell, or BB! The Haybell is pronounced sort of like ‘hay-bale’ except Bell is my most used nickname so they just put ‘Bell’ at the end!

  16. Violet says:


  17. Isabelle says:

    My Grandpa always calls me Izzy or Izzele XD

  18. ashley says:


  19. Bells says:

    Hey girl Hey! love this name :)

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