Origin: Hindu, Sanskrit
Meaning: “splendid”
Best Nicknames
Indi, Indee, DiDi
Variations, Nicknames and Sound Alikes:
Indeera, India, Indra, Indya, Indyra
Phrases you might say or hear someday:
Rise and shine, Indira.
Indira, it’s time to put your toys away. Now.
The whole room lights up when Indira smiles.
Famous people named Indira or its variations
1. Indira Radić (b. 1966), Serbian singer
2. Indira Varma (b. 1973), English actress
3. Indira Gandhi (1917-84), Indian politician
born Indira Nehru
Indira Middle Names
Indira Jamilah
Indira Karishma
Indira Parvati
Indira Rajani