
Origin: Hindu, Sanskrit

Meaning: “song”

Variations, Nicknames and Sound Alikes
Geet, Geetha, Geethika, Geeti, Geetika,
Ghita, Gita, Githa

Geeta Book Quotes:
“Geeta followed us, wading knee high in the mud.”
Jaldi’s Friends (2003)
“Kamal’s mother was fond of Geeta.”
India Lifetimes (2004)

Famous people named Geeta or its variations

1. Geeta Kapoor (b. 1973), Indian choreographer
2. Githa Hariharan (born 1954) is an Indian author
3. Geetā Dutt (1930-1972), Indian singer;
born Geetā Ghosh Roy Chowdhuri

Geeta Middle Names
Geeta Anjali
Geeta Kalpana
Geeta Parvati
Geeta Shruti

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