
Origin: Old German

Meaning: “adventurous, bold”
feminine of Fernando, Ferdinand

Variations, Nicknames and Sound Alikes:
Anda, Ferdinanda, Ferdinande, Fernande,
Fernandina, Fernandine, Nan, Nanda

Fernanda TV and Movie Quotes:
“Fernanda, calm down. I’m the injured party here.”
Amor descarado (2003 TV Series)
“Fernanda, are you never satisfied?” Flash! (2003)

Famous people named Fernanda or its variations

1. Fernanda Brandao a.k.a. “Laava” (b. 1983), Brazilian singer, dancer
2. Fernanda Motta (b. 1981), Brazilian model, actress
3. Fernanda Abreu (b. 1961), Brazilian singer

Fernanda Middle Names
Fernanda Beatriz
Fernanda Jewel
Fernanda Luz
Fernanda Milagros
Fernanda Teresa

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