Origin: Greek
Meaning: unselfish gift
Variations, Nicknames and Sound Alikes:
Adora, Dora, Dorey, Dorie, Dorry, Dory, Eudore
Eudora TV and Movie Quotes:
“And one other thing: No little girl of mine is gonna be called Eudora!” The Magnificent Seven: Sins of the Past (1999)
“That was a long time ago, Eudora.” Resting Place (1986)
“Dr. Fletcher, may I call you Eudora?” Zelig (1983)
Famous people named Eudora or its variations
1. Eudora Mosby, Miss Arkansas 2005
2. Eudora Alice Welty (1909-2001), American author
Eudora Middle Names:
Eudora Gertrude
Eudora Inez
Eudora Margaret
Eudora Pearl
Eudora Sylvia