Origin: Greek
Meaning: “”gazelle”
Variations, Nicknames and Sound Alikes:
Dori, Dorri, Dorrie, Dorkas
Dorcas TV and Movie Quotes:
“It was Dorcas’ idea.” Ladies in Lavender (2005)
“Dorcas, you shouldn’t do this.” My Life in Ruins (2009)
“Come back, Dorcas, don’t get hurt!” Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1954)
Famous people named Dorcas or its variations
1. Dorcas Muthoni, Kenyan entrepreneur
2. Dorcas Cochran Jewell (1903-91), American lyricist
Dorcas Middle Names:
Dorcas Anne
Dorcas Joan
Dorcas Karen
Dorcas Naomi