Origin: Old English
Meaning: “valley”
Variations, Nicknames and Sound Alikes:
Deana, Deane, Deana, Deena, Dene, Deneen,
Denia, Denica, Denna, Denni, Dina
Dena TV and Movie Quotes:
“Listen, my mom said I can only bring one person and I already
asked Dena.” Samantha Who?: The Family Vacation (2008)
“Deena’s beautiful, and she’s always been beautiful…
but I’ve got the voice, Curtis!” Dreamgirls (2006)
“Dina! Wake up and make Greg a cappuccino! Shake a
leg, woman!” The Fockers (2004)
Famous people named Dena or its variations
1. Dena Dietrich (b. 1928), American actress
2. Deena Payne (b. 1954), English actress
3. Dina Merrill (1923-2017), American actress, socialite
born Nedenia Marjorie Hutton
Dena Middle Names:
Dena Chloë
Dena Evelyna
Dena Leigh
Dena Maribel
Dena Suzanne
I’m mostly called donut or dina donut is the name I’m called at at mu school bus and some times in our class.
I’m mostly called donut or dina donut is the name I’m called at at my school bus and some times in our class. And I’m from Iran and dena is the name of a mountain/a volcano in Iran