Origin: Italian, French
Meaning: “beautiful”
Variations, Nicknames and Sound Alikes:
Belle, Bellina, Belva, Belvia
Bella TV and Movie Quotes
“Bella! We’re making Italiano for you.” Twilight (2008)
“Put it down, Bella. We mustn’t touch what isn’t ours.”
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)
“The rubies, Bella, give me the rubies.” Gaslight (1940)
Famous people named Bella or its variations
1. Bella Freud (b. 1961), English fashion designer
2. Bella Thorne (b. 1997), American actress
born Annabella Avery Thorne
3. Bella Igla (b. 1985), Israeli Woman Grandmaster
of Chess
Bella Middle Names
Bella Elyse
Bella Regina
Bella Violet
Belle Middle Names
Belle Ione
Belle Madison
Belle Roanne
Bellaboo is very common. Bela Lugosi is another.
I’ve got many nicknames such as, Bella Vanilla, Taco Bella, Bellers, Beli (belly), and Bells.
My true nickname is belltaco