
Origin: Old German

Meaning: “noble, bright, famous”

Best Nicknames:
Ali, Alla, Allie, Ally, Berrie, Berry, Bert,
Berta, Berte, Berti, Bertie, Berty

Variations and Sound Alikes:
Albertha, Alverta, Auberta, Auberte, Aubertha, Auberthe

Phrases you might say or hear someday:
Alberta has a memory like an elephant.
Don’t run ahead of Mommy, Alberta.
Alberta is still a beginning swimmer.

Famous people named Alberta or its variations

1. Alberta Watson (b. 1955), Canadian actress,
born Faith Susan Alberta Watson
2. LaWanda Page, (1920-2002), American actress
and comedienne, born Alberta Peal
3. Alberta Rosemarie Katherina Mayne (b. 1980),
American actress

Alberta Middle Names
Alberta Frances
Alberta Jayne
Alberta Leigh
Alberta Pearl
Alberta Sue

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