Origin: Old English
Meaning: “war strength”
Variations, Nicknames and Sound Alikes:
Wiatt, Wy, Wyeth
Unrelated Nicknames:
Bull, Patch, Renegade, Shogun
Wyatt TV and Movie Quotes:
“I stand corrected, Wyatt. You’re an oak.”
Tombstone (1993)
“We’re shuttin’ it down, Wyatt Earp’s here to
mop up.” The Fugitive (1993)
Famous people named Wyatt or its variations
1. Wyatt Cenac (b. 1976), American comedian, actor
2. Wyatt Emory Cooper (1927-78), American author, screenwriter
3. Wyatt Berry Stapp Earp (1848-1929), American marshal
Wyatt Middle Names
Wyatt Clifford
Wyatt Frederick
Wyatt Julius
Wyatt Oliver
Wyatt Sherman