Origin: Old English
Meaning: “wagon builder, driver”
Best Nicknames:
Waynie, Wayno, Waynster
Variations and Sound Alikes:
Wain, Wayn
Wayne TV and Movie Quotes:
Oh, well, Wayne will understand that right away… NOT!
Wayne’s World (1992)
“Wayne, I think we’ve established that ‘Ka Ka’ and
‘Tukki Tukki’ don’t work.” Evolution (2001)
Famous people named Wayne or its variations
1. Wayne Newton (b. 1942), American entertainer a.k.a.
“Mr. Las Vegas,” born Carson Wayne Newton
2. Wayne Shorter (b. 1933), American jazz saxophonist, composer
3. Wayne Douglas Gretzky (b. 1961), Canadian hockey pro
Wayne Middle Names
Wayne Anton
Wayne Elliot
Wayne Mark
Wayne Neville
Wayne Oliver