Origin: Old German
Meaning: “bold people”
Best Nicknames:
Teo, Theo
Variations, Nicknames and Sound Alikes:
Teobaldo, Theobold, Thibault, Tybalt
Theobald Book Quotes:
“The first step towards it would be her marriage with Theobald.”
The Way of All Flesh (1903)
“Theobald seemed to relax.”
Father Martin and the Hermitage Mystery (2007)
Famous people named Theobald or its variations
1. Theobald Fischer (1846-1910), German geographer
2. Théobald Chartran (1849-1907), French painter
3. Theobald Mathew (1790-1856), Irish temperance reformer.
and Catholic priest
Theobald Middle Names
Theobald Edgar
Theobald Jakob
Theobald Rolf
Theobald William