
Origin: Greek

Meaning: “revered”

Best Nicknames:
Bas, Baz, Seb, Sep, Sepi

Variations, Nicknames and Sound Alikes:
Sabastian, Sebastiano, Sebastien, Sebastion, Sevastian

Sebastian TV and Movie Quotes:
You’re absolutely right, Sebastian.
The Little Mermaid (1989)
We need you, Sebastian. You’re our best and only friend.
Blade Runner (1982)

Famous people named Sebastian or its variations

1. Sebastian Bach (b. 1968), Canadian heavy metal rocker,
born Sebastian Philip Bierk in Freeport, Bahamas
2. Sebastian Janikowski (b. 1978), Polish-born NFL football pro
3. Sebastien Izambard (b.1973), French singer (Il Divo)

Sebastian Middle Names
Sebastian Earl
Sebastian Gabriel
Sebastian John
Sebastian Neil
Sebastian Olivier

Leave a comment below.

  1. Sarah says:

    We call my son Bassie always have so much his little sister forgets his actually Sebastian haha

  2. rae says:

    We call my nephew Bash

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