Origin: Arabic
meaning: “contentment”
Variations, Nicknames and Sound Alikes:
Raza, Reda, Redha, Rida, Ridha, Rizah, Rıza
Reza Book Quotes:
“Ask Reza if we can go to his house.”
Not Without My Daughter (1991)
“Reza begins to shake his head. ‘No,’ he says.”
A Teaspoon of Earth and Sea (2013)
Famous people named Reza or its variations
1. Reza Sadeghi (b. 1979), Iranian pop singer
2. Reza Soukhteh Saraei (b. 1950), Iranian wrestler
3. Rıza Mahmut Türmen (b. 1941), Turkish politician
Derived Names
Abdol Reza
Ali Reza
Gholam Reza
Mohammad Reza