Origin: English
meaning: “red, red-haired”
also, relating to place; also a common surname
Variations, Nicknames and Sound Alikes:
Read, Reade, Reid, Reide, Reyd
Reed TV and Movie Quotes:
“This ain’t permanent. My friend Reed is working
on a cure… I think.” Fantastic Four (2005)
“Do you love Reed?” Fantastic 4: Rise of
the Silver Surfer (2007)
Famous people named Reed or its variations
1. Reed Edward Diamond (b. 1967), American actor
2. Reed Cameron Johnson (b. 1976), American baseball pro
3. Reed Sorenson (b. 1986), American NASCAR driver
born Bradley Reed Sorenson
Reed Middle Names:
Reed Bryce
Reed Darnell
Reed Kelvin
Reed Marshall
Reed Tristan