Origin: Irish Gaelic
Meaning: “swarthy”
Variations, Nicknames and Sound Alikes:
Kear, Keer, Keil, Keiran, Keirnan, Keiron, Kerr
Keir Book Quotes:
“Her fragile yet feisty beauty makes the perfect foil
for Keir Robards’ solid power …” Fast and Loose (2011)
“Nothing else matters, Keir,” I repeated, “Nothing except
our love.” Warlord (2007)
Famous people named Keir or its variations
1. Keir David Peters Gilchrist (b. 1992), Canadian actor
2. Keir O’Donnell (b. 1978), Australian actor
3. Keir Dullea (b. 1956), American actor
Keir Middle Names
Keir Bradley
Keir Frederico
Keir Jackson
Keir Neville
Keir Pearce