
Origin: Hebrew, Yiddish

Meaning: “deer”

Best Nicknames:
Hersch, Hersh, Hesh, Shel, Shelly

Variations and Sound Alikes:
Herschell, Hershel, Hertzel, Herzel,
Heschel, Heshel, Hirschel

Herschel TV and Movie Quotes:
“You wanna talk? Talk to Herschel.”
The Walking Dead: Seed (2012)
“Herschel, life is not fun. Life is serious.”
The Simpsons: Like Father, Like Clown (1991)

Famous people named Herschel or its variations

1. Herschel Shmoikel Pinchas Yerucham Krustofski,
aka Krusty the Clown, The Simpsons cartoon character
2. Herschel Junior Walker (b. 1962), American athlete
3. Herschel Bernardi (1923-86), American actor

Herschel Middle Names:
Herschel Allan
Herschel Frederic
Herschel James
Herschel Zackary

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