Origin: Latin
Meaning: “on the right hand side, skillful”
Variations, Nicknames and Sound Alikes:
Dex, Dexton, Dexy
Dexter TV and Movie Quotes:
“Nothing ever goes bump in Dexter’s night.”
Dexter: Return to Sender (2006)
“I’d still like to read that poetry. What rhymes
with Dexter?” One Day (2011)
“I don’t like the word ‘common,’ Mr. Dexter.”
Dynasty (1981 TV Series)
Famous people named Dexter or its variations
1. Dexter Anthony Titus Blackstock (b. 1986), English footballer
2. Dexter Fletcher (b. 1966), English actor
3. Dexter Holland (b. 1965), American singer
born Bryan Keith Holland
Dexter Middle Names
Dexter Gregory
Dexter Kirk
Dexter Marshall
Dexter Prescott
Dexter Solomon
got any more
can you find a really mean nickname to call someone called dexter