
Origin: English

Meaning uncertain
transferred surname; also a nickname

Variations, Nicknames and Sound Alikes:
Corey, Korey, Kory

Cory TV and Movie Quotes:
“Cory said that if you can go to college, anyone can go
to college.” Boy Meets World (1993 TV Series)
“I hear this was Cory’s handiwork.”
Hope Island (1999 TV Series)

Famous people named Cory or its variations

1. Corey Mitchell Hart (b. 1962), Canadian singer
2. Cory Allan Monteith (1982-2013), Canadian actor
3. Cory La Quay, American drummer

Cory Middle Names
Cory Kai
Cory Lorenzo
Cory Rhys
Cory Tristen
Cory Waylon

Leave a comment below.

  1. Cori Sanders says:

    my name is Corinne but I have always gone by Cori and nobody spells it right so for all the Cori’s, Korie’s, Kory’s, Cory’s and more it is confusing and I would like to get another Cori spelling on the list.

    • vj says:

      Thanks for the suggestion. We’ll put Cori in Girls Names: C as soon as possible. Corinne is still on our list of names to do.

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