Origin: Latin
Meaning: “one who lives near the River Clare”
Variations, Nicknames and Sound Alikes:
Clancy, Claran, Clarance, Clarens, Claron, Clarons,
Claronz, Clarrance, Clarrence, Klarance, Klarenz
Phrases you might say or hear someday:
Clarence looks a little green around the gills.
You put your foot in your mouth that time, Clarence.
Clarence doesn’t like that babysitter.
Famous people named Clarence or its variations
1. Clarence Williams III (b. 1939), American actor.
2. Clarence “Gatemouth” Brown (1924-2005), American
blues musician
3. Saxby Chambliss (b. 1943), U.S. Senator, Georgia (R)
born Clarence Saxby Chambliss, Jr.
Clarence Middle Names
Clarence Aron
Clarence Kurtis
Clarence Lyndon
Clarence Quentin
Clarence Trent
My fathers nickname was Bud when he was younger, it became Mike while he was in the service based off our last name.
I know a Clarence and he gets called Clarrie. SOOOOOO Adorable for a baby. :)
My uncle was a Clarence, they called him Hank from the time he was a boy
I know a dude named Clarence, who goes by the nickname Chet.
Clay is a common short name for my given name Clarence. Clay is what I go by.
Exactly. How do they not know this.
Probably because we don’t know anyone named Clarence who goes by Clay