Origin: Old Norse
Meaning: “free man”
Variations, Nicknames and Sound Alikes:
Carel, Carlo, Carlos, Caryl, Karel, Karlo, Karl, Karol
Carl TV and Movie Quotes:
“Carl! She’s your mother, you can’t talk to her like that.”
The Walking Dead: Sick (2012)
“You da man Carl! I believe you can fly!”
The Simpsons: Children of a Lesser Clod (2001)
Famous people named Carl or its variations
1. Carl Dean Switzer (1927-59), American actor,
Alfalfa of the Little Rascals
2. Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), Swiss psychiatrist
3. Carl Celian Icahn (b. 1936), American billionaire
Carl Middle Names
Carl Benjamin
Carl Frederick
Carl Peter
Carl Roderick
Carl Wolfgang
Crazy Carl