Origin: Aramaic
Meaning: “son of Talmai (the farmer)”
Best Nicknames:
Bart, Barly, Bartt, Barty, Tolly
Variations, Nicknames and Sound Alikes:
Barthelemy, Barthlomeo, Barthold, Bartholomeus,
Bartlett, Bartolome, Bartolomej, Bartolomeo
Bartholomew TV and Movie Quotes:
“Oh Bartholomew, I feel like St. Augustine of Hippo after
his conversion by Ambrose of Milan.” The Simpsons (1989)
“Hey, that’s my Uncle Bartholomew! Well, I’ll be
rummeltebumskuttled!” Gene Autry Show (1950)
Famous people named Bartholomew or its variations
1. Bart Simpson, cartoon character
full name: Bartholomew JoJo Simpson
2. Bart Jan Bok (1906-83), Dutch astronomer
born Barthelomeus Jan Bok
2. Bartolomeo Pagano (1878-1947), Italian actor
aka Maciste
Bartholomew Middle Names
Bartholomew Christopher
Bartholomew James
Bartholomew Graham
Bartholomew Regis
Bartholomew Titus